Auslan (Australian sign language) is the sign language of the Australian Deaf community. Auslan’s grammar and vocabulary is quite different to English. Auslan, and other sign languages, use hands, in various handshapes; facial expression; body language and other visual cues to communicate. Auslan is a recognised community language of Australia.
Organisations that can offer more information:

Deaf Australia
Deaf Australia is the national peak advocacy and information organisation in Australia for Deaf people who are bilingual – using both English and Auslan (Australian Sign Language). Deaf Australia advises government, industry, and service providers about the needs and views of Deaf people, and work to improve Deaf people’s access in a range of areas.

Deafblind Australia
Deafblind Australia (formerly Australian DeafBlind Council ADBC) was set up as an advocacy organisation for people with deafblindness and their families, following the National Deafblind Conference in Melbourne in 1993. Deafblind Australia educates members of the public and relevant government organisations about deafblindness.