Easy English helps people who have difficulty reading and understanding English. It is a style of writing that is simple and concise. It focuses on presenting key information, takes out unnecessary detail, and uses a mix of words and images to enhance the message for the reader.
Organisations that can offer more information:

Inclusion Australia
Inclusion Australia is the leading national voice on issues of importance to people with intellectual disability in Australia. It works to raise expectations, recognise potential and promotes the value of people with intellectual disability. Inclusion Australia works locally, nationally and internationally, providing policy expertise and advice to drive systemic change.

Self Advocacy Resource Unit (SARU)
The Self Advocacy Resource Unit (SARU) supports Victorian self advocacy groups that are run by and for people with an intellectual disability, people with an acquired brain injury and people with complex communication support needs.
People with disabilities and self advocates have a say in all of the work the SARU does. Self advocacy groups can join SARU forums and conferences and also help to plan the forums and conferences.

Victorian Advocacy League for Individuals with Disability (VALID)
The Victorian Advocacy League for Individuals with Disability (VALID’s) mission is to promote and protect the human rights of people with an intellectual disability and to champion their rights as citizens to: Community Presence, Choice, Respect, Community Participation and Self Determination. VALID provides individual advocacy, systemic advocacy, and self-advocacy. VALID also provides a range of training that empowers people with disabilities to make choices and take control over their own lives.