Down Syndrome Australia is pleased to announce that we were successful in the recent NDIS Information Linkages and Capacity Building Grant round. We have received funding for projects that will enable us to provide support and information to people with Down Syndrome and their families. The projects include:
The ‘Information for Life’ program in the ACT and NSW which will enable our local organisations to provide information, support and linkages to people with Down syndrome and their families. It will include peer to peer support, engagement with mainstream services and development of new networks.
The National Down Syndrome Information Portal is a two year project to consolidate information and resources which are currently spread across numerous websites into a new, easy to use portal. The portal content development and design will be user-led by people with lived experience of Down Syndrome and will provide linkages to other organisations, services and peer-support groups.
A project which will be focused on new approaches to our national journal Voice to improve the involvement of people with Down syndrome and broaden the reach of the magazine.
More detail about the ILC grant program can be found here:
We look forward to working with the Down syndrome community on these new and exciting initiatives.