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The Australian Federation of Disability Organisations (AFDO) was surprised by news the Turnbull Government is walking away from its strategy to fully fund the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) through a small increase to the Medicare Levy.

“The announcement creates uncertainty for people with disability as to how the Federal Government will honour its commitment made in last year’s Budget, to fully fund the NDIS ongoing,” said AFDO CEO, Mr Ross Joyce.

“The announcement, of a walk away from the Medicare Levy increase, with no detailed outline from the Government of its ongoing commitment past the next budget, has again raised uncertainty which is creating real distress for people with disability and all who support them”.

“We seek assurances that the NDIS will be fully funded ongoing, for the long term. We need full transparency from the Government as to how this will be achieved. I can also reiterate the following position, that AFDO will never agree with the cutting of supports or programs in other areas which assist other disadvantaged Australians, as a price for fully funding the NDIS. This would be totally unacceptable to the wider community and to people with disability,” said Mr Joyce.

AFDO calls on the Prime Minister, Treasurer and Minister for Social Services to provide immediate assurances to people with disability and to all Australians of the Governments continuing commitment to fully fund the NDIS for the long term and to provide details on how they now propose to achieve this.

For more information, contact AFDO CEO, Ross Joyce on 0402 842 040.

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