News and resources

Selected category: Disability A-Z


Carers are people who provide unpaid care and support to family members and friends who have a disability, mental illness, chronic condition, terminal illness, an alcohol or another drug issue, or who are frail due to their age. For more information visit: Carers...


Deaf (with capital ‘D’) is used to describe those people who use Auslan to communicate, and identify themselves as members of the signing Deaf community. These people may also identify themselves as ‘Culturally Deaf’ as they are more likely to have been born deaf, or became deaf early in life, are pre-lingually deaf (became deaf before they learned to speak) and use sign language as their main or preferred way to communicate.


deaf (with a lowercase ‘d’) is a general term used to describe people who have a physical condition of hearing loss of varying degrees, no matter which communication mode they use, such as Auslan and lip reading.


Deafblind is a term that is used when a person has both vision loss and hearing loss. Dual sensory loss or dual sensory impairment are other terms that are used to describe deafblindness.

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