News and resources

Selected category: General

COVID19 NDIS Updates

COVID19 NDIS Updates

The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) is making some changes to the plan review process in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Some of the changes include: Plans will no longer end. If your plan is due to end soon and you still have not heard anything it will automatically extend for 365 days. If […]

Source: AFDO

Increase Disability Support Pension now to deal with coronavirus

Increase Disability Support Pension now to deal with coronavirus

People with disability who are in receipt of DSP are experiencing and facing additional, unforeseen costs in this time of crisis, which is causing significant levels of distress and anxiety, and only serving to further entrench DSP recipients into poverty. We urgently ask that the Australian Government act swiftly to include DSP recipients in the Coronavirus Supplement to ensure that people with disability are not further disadvantaged by the impact of the Coronavirus.


Source: DANA

World Down Syndrome Day 2020 – Day 20

World Down Syndrome Day 2020 – Day 20

Down Syndrome Australia is developing a new app for our Community Inclusion Toolkit. Members of our Down Syndrome Advisory Network met with the app developers to share their thoughts on using the new app. Lynette Reeves from The Project Factory shares what they took away from the experience.

Source: Down Syndrome Australia

Urgent measures needed to support people with disability during COVID-19 crisis

Urgent measures needed to support people with disability during COVID-19 crisis


People with disability from across Australia are calling for urgent action to make sure we are included in preparations for the current public health emergency.

Eight national peak organisations (including DANA) have come together to urge all levels of government, the National Disability Insurance Agency, other agencies and the private sector, to work with us to make sure that people with disability aren’t left behind in this current crisis.


Source: DANA

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