News and resources

Selected category: General

NDIS works well but only if you can navigate the system

NDIS works well but only if you can navigate the system

Wendy Arentz from Tumut in the NSW Riverina was born with central vision loss and hearing problems, but her limited sight deteriorated in her 20s. Mrs Arentz was referred to the NDIS in July 2017 and since then she has had nothing but positive experiences. She now has a guide dog, Amos, and equipment that […]

Source: DANA

This election, candidates should to listen to 4 million Australians

This election, candidates should to listen to 4 million Australians

This election, we want our political representatives to listen to 4 million Australians and make hearing health & wellbeing a national priority. Imagine being a six year old who’s trying to learn to read when you can’t hear the teacher. Imagine trying to make new friends in the playground when you’re struggling to keep up […]

Source: Deafness Forum of Australia

Shop smart and use your right

Shop smart and use your right

New videos and guides are available to help consumers with disability understand their rights. These include: An educational video on how to shop smart and use your rights. Easy English educational video (with Casey and Reece) on how to shop smart. Fact sheet with a short summary of your consumer rights and the steps you […]

Source: Deafness Forum of Australia

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