News and resources

Selected category: General

Hearing aids benefits and limitations

Hearing aids benefits and limitations

The competitive market ensures that hearing aid technology is continually evolving with regards to speech in noise processing and connectivity to other devices such as TV, mobile phones et cetera. Hearing aids provide the required level of frequency-specific amplification to compensate for the loss of volume resulting from a hearing loss. They will automatically adapt […]

Source: Deafness Forum of Australia

How to improve the NDIS for people who have an intellectual disability as well as a mental illness

How to improve the NDIS for people who have an intellectual disability as well as a mental illness

Article in The Conversation by Karen Fisher, Erin Whittle and Julian Trollor about how to improve the NDIS for people with intellectual disability who also have mental health needs. “Some people with both intellectual disability and mental health needs have had positive experiences with the NDIS. These experiences show us what is needed to make access to […]

Source: DANA

Michael Sullivan joins DSA board

Michael Sullivan joins DSA board

Down Syndrome Australia is pleased to welcome Michael Sullivan as an independent director and board member. 'I’m very proud to be the first person with Down syndrome to be offered a position on the board of Down Syndrome Australia,' Mr Sullivan said.



Source: Down Syndrome Australia

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