News and resources

Selected category: General

AFDO eNews – Issue 3

AFDO eNews – Issue 3

In our third issue of AFDO eNews, we are happy to announce that AFDO will again be attending the Conference of States Parties (COSP) to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) this year. We also recently launched the Disability Australia Hub website which provides the community with a gateway to access high quality, up-to-date, disability specific information informed by people with disability and their families.

Source: AFDO

Prime Minister, show us the NDIS money!

Prime Minister, show us the NDIS money!

The Turnbull Government has walked away from its strategy to fully fund the NDIS by a small increase to the Medicare Levy saying it will fund it fully in the 2018/2019 budget.

Source: AFDO

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