News and resources

Selected category: General

Welcome WA to the National Disability Insurance Scheme

Welcome WA to the National Disability Insurance Scheme

The Australian Federation of Disability Organisations welcomes the joint announcement from the Prime Minister, Minister Porter and Assistant Minister Prentice that Western Australia is joining the nationally-delivered National Disability Insurance Scheme.

Source: AFDO

AFDO eNews – Issue 1

AFDO eNews – Issue 1

In our first issue of AFDO eNews, we’re excited to let you know that we have received funding from the Victorian Government through the NDIS Transition Support Package to develop and deliver workshops for people with disability and their families. The workshops will support people to better understand the pre-planning and planning process and to explain how the NDIS works. They have been designed and will be delivered by people with disability.

Source: AFDO

Jim Longley announces resignation

Jim Longley announces resignation

Former Deputy Secretary of Ageing, Disability and Home Care at the NSW Department of Family and Community Services, Jim Longley, has resigned following a charity payment scandal.

Source: DANA

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