Lots of organisations wrote a letter to the government. This letter was about how to keep people with disability safe. You can read the Easy Read version of this letter here.
Source: Inclusion Australia
Lots of organisations wrote a letter to the government. This letter was about how to keep people with disability safe. You can read the Easy Read version of this letter here.
Source: Inclusion Australia
People with disability, and their organisations, across Australia are calling for urgent action, again, to keep us safe during the current COVID-19 pandemic. Over 70 national, state and territory disability organisations have come together to urge the National Cabinet to take the urgent action we need to keep people with disability free of the […]
Source: Inclusion Australia
Australian workers with intellectual disabilities and their families are concerned they are being exposed to a high risk of contracting coronavirus at work at their Australian Disability Enterprise. Yesterday (1 April), a worker with intellectual disability at a West Australian ADE was diagnosed with COVID-19. Disability advocacy groups expect numbers to rise dramatically right across Australia if all ADEs do not close their doors immediately until the pandemic passes.
Source: DANA
Down Syndrome Australia has provided a submission to the Disability Royal Commission on the Health Issues paper.
Our submission addresses a number of key issues experienced by people with Down syndrome and families when accessing health care. Read here to find out more about our submission.
Source: Down Syndrome Australia
The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) is making some changes to the plan review process in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Some of the changes include: Plans will no longer end. If your plan is due to end soon and you still have not heard anything it will automatically extend for 365 days. If […]
Source: AFDO
People with disability who are in receipt of DSP are experiencing and facing additional, unforeseen costs in this time of crisis, which is causing significant levels of distress and anxiety, and only serving to further entrench DSP recipients into poverty. We urgently ask that the Australian Government act swiftly to include DSP recipients in the Coronavirus Supplement to ensure that people with disability are not further disadvantaged by the impact of the Coronavirus.
Source: DANA