The Victorian Advocacy League for Individuals with Disability (VALID’s) mission is to promote and protect the human rights of people with an intellectual disability and to champion their rights as citizens to: Community Presence, Choice, Respect, Community...
Selected category: VIC
Self Advocacy Resource Unit (SARU)
The Self Advocacy Resource Unit (SARU) supports Victorian self advocacy groups that are run by and for people with an intellectual disability, people with an acquired brain injury and people with complex communication support needs. People with disabilities and self...
The Regional Disability Advocacy Service (RDAS)
The Regional Disability Advocacy Service (RDAS) is a not-for-profit organisation that assists people with a disability living in the Oven Murray district of North East Victoria and the Murrumbidgee district of Southern NSW. They provide free and independent advocacy...
Aspergers Victoria Inc
Aspergers Victoria is a peer-led organisation. Aspergers Victoria provide peer support, and peer programs and services for the Aspergers community. Their vision is to create a more inclusive world for Aspergers people, and believe that greater understanding and...
Disability Advocacy Resources Unit (DARU)
Disability Advocacy Resources Unit (DARU) works with disability advocacy organisations to promote and protect the rights of people with disability. They develop and distribute resources and provide training opportunities to keep disability advocates informed and...
ACD (Advocating for Children with a Disability)
ACD (Advocating for Children with a Disability) is the leading advocacy and information service for families of children with any type of disability living in Victoria. ACD are run by and for families of children with a disability and are committed to improving public...