News and resources

Imagine not being able to see or hear – how would you communicate, how would you go shopping, how would you make friends?

The last week of June is Deafblind Awareness week (DBAW). It is the time where deafblind people, their families and supporters organise celebrations, hold events and raise community awareness on the challenges of being deafblind.

From June 20-27 is devoted to the life of individuals who are deafblind and celebrate the birthday of a well known deafblind lady named Helen Keller who was born on the 27 June.

Combined sight and hearing loss, commonly known as ‘deafblindness’ affects an estimated 350,000 people in Australia so it is likely that you know someone who is impacted by this.

During Deafblind Awareness Week we encourage you to think about friends and relatives who might be affected by sight and hearing loss and talk to them about it; try to understand what they are going through and learn what you can do to help.

What to look out for this Deafblind Awareness Week:

Western Australia

Deafblind Western Australia DBWA

DBWA will run a planning day on Saturday 23rd June. The morning will be planning DBWA activities for the next 12 months followed by lunch. After lunch gathering. Governance training will be provided to committee members and any other members who are interested.


Deafblind Victoria DBV

On June 19, DBV will present a “Deafblind World” workshop with up to 25 participants. On June 27 there will be a Social lunch with deafblind people at Ross House Association followed by deafblind speaker, named ‘Joe’ to share his experiences.

Able Australia (Melbourne)

On June 16, a day of activities and lunch will be provided. Able Australia will have a few interviews with the media during the week.

South Australia 

Radio talks on DBAW and deafblindness to be planned and morning tea to celebrate DBAW more information will be provided at a later date.

New South Wales

Deafblind Association New South Wales DBANSW

On June 24, the launch of Deafblind Positive Awards. social lunch and line dancing with deafblind people at the Parramatta Leagues Club.


On June 27, there will be a powerpoint presentations from deafblind people about their life being deafblind. This will be presented at TasDeaf


Radio talks on DBAW and deafblindness is to be scheduled in the Sunshine Coast with a person named ‘Steve’.

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