News and resources

DANA gives credit to the National Disability Insurance Agency for its willingness to be more transparent with the information it collects through the Scheme.

In 2019 it released new data every quarter to give the wider disability sector, academic audiences and the general public access to more information about their specific areas of interest.

The latest data is available at

New content includes:

  • Outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander participants, and participants who are Culturally and Linguistically Diverse;
  • New interactive and accessible maps to help people find information about their local areas;
  • Maps which outline participant plan utilisation and market concentration, providing valuable information of participants and providers with more information about services in their areas;
  • All downloadable data now made available on one page to make it easier to find.

The data is intended to help broaden understanding for the wider community as to how the NDIS has benefitted participants, as well as identify any areas for continued focus.

Interested people and organisations can spend some time on the site to see the vast range of information that is now available and share this valuable resource with their wider networks.


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