The Australian Federation of Disability Organisations (AFDO) welcomes the joint announcement from the Prime Minister, Minister Porter and Assistant Minister Prentice that Western Australia is joining the nationally-delivered National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).
“We are excited by this announcement and congratulate the new Western Australian Government and the Federal Government for undertaking the negotiations and delivering what people with disability have been calling for in WA and across Australia. People with disability have been very clear that they wanted WA to be a part of the national NDIS system,” said Mr Ross Joyce, AFDO CEO.
This agreement ensures that Western Australians with disability are not compromised by what could have been a multi-layered system. It also confirms the value and importance of disability sector input and advocacy on issues affecting people with disability.
“It is terrific news that the National Disability Insurance Agency will now be able to ensure a consistent national model and we would welcome the input and advice from our colleagues in the sector across WA who have been doing great work over a long period of time”. Mr Joyce outlined.
“It’s very pleasing that the WA government has listened and taken the concerns of the sector seriously, I view it as a hallmark occasion for people with disability across WA when it comes to the future provision of services and supports,” said Mr Joyce.
AFDO and its Members warmly welcome our sector colleagues and people with disability in WA to the nationally-delivered NDIS. We look forward to working together and learning from each other through its full implementation.
For more information, please contact Mr Ross Joyce on 0402 842 040.